About us

The Oasis aims to be an international team partnering with churches, both locally and globally, to walk alongside refugees, offering them the Living Water of Jesus Christ and moving with them toward an intimate relationship with Him and His people.

The focus of the team at the Oasis is to reflect the heart of God to refugees and offer them the hope, life and refuge that can only be found in Jesus. Working with Austrian and ethnic churches in the Vienna area, the team seeks to equip those who come to faith to be able to share Jesus with others, including their own people, both in Austria and in their countries of origin. 



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Carriers of hope for refugees


We work in intercultural teams 

that are enthusiastic about Jesus.

We treat people of refugee background respectfully 

and share life with them.

Because we are guided by the example of Jesus, 

we see, love, and serve them holistically.

We promote the development of our team members in their calling and inspire Christians and churches.


Our mission – why we exist

  • To serve people of refugee background holistically
  • To promote the development of team members in their calling
  • To inspire Christians and churches


Our Identity – what we stand for

  • We are enthusiastic about Jesus.
  • We work in intercultural teams.
  • We treat people of refugee background respectfully.
  • We share life with them.


Our values – how we work


1. Jesus-oriented

We are guided by the example of Jesus.


2. Integral

We see people holistically. 


3. Missional

We love people from all over the world. 


4. Connected

We are connected and partner with Christian churches and organizations.